

Mindmap am SAB#15_Inicio, erstellt von Diana P. Martinez am 22/03/2015.
Diana P. Martinez
Mindmap von Diana P. Martinez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Diana P. Martinez
Erstellt von Diana P. Martinez vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. The business case for the project
    1. The Product description or Project Statement of work detailing the product requirements as they are known up to this point
      1. List of likely stakeholders
        1. How the project fits into or supports the company´s strategic plan
          1. Lessons lerned from previous projects
            1. Indentify Stakeholders
              1. Project Charter
                1. Defined processes and procedures for how the company operates
                  1. - The processes in the initiation proces group formally start a new project or project phase. - These process group provides the project manager with the authority.
                    1. Any known constraints
                      1. Agreements
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