Pastoral Counselling Skills


counselling and pastoral skills
Mindmap von thehalls12, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von thehalls12 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Pastoral Counselling Skills
  1. listener
    1. empathy
      1. patient with silence
        1. attentive
          1. reflecting
            1. summarising
              1. asks open questions
              2. Pastoral Counselling Understandings
                1. speaks the truth in love (Ephesians 4:11-16)
                  1. communicates hope
                  2. considers cultural understandings
                    1. appreciates the spiritual dimension of the human experience
                      1. appreciates the psychological dimension of the human experience
                        1. concerned with advancing God's kingdom of healing reconciliation
                          1. rich knowledge of God's word
                            1. aware that humans are subject to the difficulties and effects of sin
                              1. able to live with uncertainty
                                1. comfortable with brokenness
                                  1. recognises the need to be proficient and knowledgeable in the use of counselling skills
                                  2. suspends judgement
                                    1. expresses warmth
                                      1. support
                                        1. willing to challenge
                                          1. good memory
                                            1. desire to help another
                                              1. welfare of the other person at heart
                                                1. God's word applied with wisdom
                                                  1. skillful use of divine truth
                                                  2. conversant with scripture
                                                    1. genuine interest in people
                                                      1. self aware
                                                        1. warm manner
                                                          1. carefully interprets
                                                            1. connects empathetically
                                                              1. communicates the bigger story and purpose
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