Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Stem Cell Technology
- what are stem cells?
- unspecialised cells = no special function
- Totipotent = can become any sort of cell from that species
- where do they come from?
- spare embryos from IVF
- Ethical & Moral issues
- spare embryos are used from IVF
- Uk law has allowed embryos to be created soley for stem cell research
- key ethical consideration is the moral viewpoint of the embryo
- when does an embryo become a human life?
- should embryos still be used as alternatives are available?
- adult bone marrow, fat tissue or blood
- babies' umbilical cords
- Benefits of Stem Cell developments
- Replace diseased and damaged tissues
- treat leukaemia
- different forms of cancer
- wound damage
- Brain damage
- diabetes
- baldness
- spinal cord injuries
- degenerative
- Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases
- Regenerative - organs