Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Asch 1955; Aims &
- Asch's study can be placed in
historical context as many studies
on social pressure were carried out
after WW2
- Psychologists were keen to prevent events like the
Holocaust from happening again.
- They happened as people "bowed to social
pressure" and wanted to "fit in with the crowd."
- NSI= person doesn't believe majority but goes along so they aren't
- Sheirf 1936
- Pps judged how far a light moved
in the dark (it was actually still -
auto kinetic effect)
- A few days later they were put into groups where
Sherif ensured 1 pp had a COMPLETLEY DIFFERNT
- Pps with a different answer conformed to fit in with the
rest of the group.
- Jenness
- Looked at conformity in ambiguous situations (correct answer
- Asch saw this as a problem, he wanted to create an unambiguous
situation where the answer is clear.
- Aims
- To find out if people tend to conform or agree with the view of majority
and bow to social pressure.
- Investigate this in an unambiguous situation where
the right/wrong answers are clear.