Asch 1955; Aims & Context


AS level PY2 Mindmap am Asch 1955; Aims & Context, erstellt von oliviaclifton am 25/03/2015.
Mindmap von oliviaclifton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von oliviaclifton vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Asch 1955; Aims & Context
  1. Asch's study can be placed in historical context as many studies on social pressure were carried out after WW2
    1. Psychologists were keen to prevent events like the Holocaust from happening again.
      1. They happened as people "bowed to social pressure" and wanted to "fit in with the crowd."
        1. NSI= person doesn't believe majority but goes along so they aren't different.
          1. Sheirf 1936
            1. Pps judged how far a light moved in the dark (it was actually still - auto kinetic effect)
              1. A few days later they were put into groups where Sherif ensured 1 pp had a COMPLETLEY DIFFERNT estimate
                1. Pps with a different answer conformed to fit in with the rest of the group.
                2. Jenness
                  1. Looked at conformity in ambiguous situations (correct answer obvious)
                    1. Asch saw this as a problem, he wanted to create an unambiguous situation where the answer is clear.
                    2. Aims
                      1. To find out if people tend to conform or agree with the view of majority and bow to social pressure.
                        1. Investigate this in an unambiguous situation where the right/wrong answers are clear.
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