The Life of Muhammed


Islam (Belief about Deity) Mindmap am The Life of Muhammed, erstellt von harrisono am 29/09/2013.
Mindmap von harrisono, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von harrisono vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Life of Muhammed
  1. Sad childhood
    1. Born poor and lived with a Bedouin woman, Halemah, for the first 6 years of his life to avoid the hostile conditions of Mecca
      1. His mother, Amina, died when he returned
        1. Went to live with his paternal grandfather Abd al Muttalib who died a few years later
          1. He then lived with his uncle abu Talib, a rich merchant
            1. No schooling
              1. He was illiterate (allegedly)
      2. Born in 570AD
      3. Marriage
        1. Only ever had one wife which was unlike the customs of Mecca at the time
          1. Khadijah
            1. 15 years older
              1. Very wealthy
                1. 6 children
                  1. 4 girls
                    1. 2 boys
                      1. Both died in infancy
              2. Disliked the ways of Mecca as an adult
                1. Animism
                  1. Polytheism
                    1. Often went into the mountains to think and meditate
                      1. One night Allah spoke to him and revealed the 1st part of the Qur'án
                        1. The night of power
                          1. Laylat al Qadr
                    2. Began teach Allah's words to the people of Mecca
                      1. All his listeners were prosecuted and forced to leave the area and go to Medina
                        1. He founded the 1st Muslim community there but numbers grew so they were forced to move
                          1. They marched into a corrupted Mecca and all the people there became Muslims
                            1. Died in 632AD
                      2. AKA the Seal of the Prophets
                        1. Received the final correct revelation from Allah
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