Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Latin American independence
- Inspiration
- age of reson
- franch revolution
- américan revolutin
- industrial revolution
- external problems
- napoleon
- creole discontentament
- "pacto colonial"
- Franch conquered Sphain
- Internal problems
- "pacto colonial"
- againt
- creoles, business
people, farmes,
- for
- chapetones,
governament and
catholic church
- Haiti
- conquered and colonized
by Franch
- Toussain Louverture
- Miguel Hidalgo and
José Morelos
- tried to start the
- they were killed
by the
- Simon Bolivar
- Criole
- his education was
in an church
- studied in
- 1807
- came back to Venezuela, and he
tried turce to start the
independence, but he didn´t
- 1821
- he became the gran
- he became the president of
gran columbia and the
independence happined
- 1829
- Uruguai
- 1830
- he left the throne
- he wante to creat a whole
country and he wanted to be a
strong lider
- Ingl + USA wanted to explore
Latin América
- Results:
- Bolivar´s didint succeed
- many wars
- left may countries in control
of coudillos
- was rich creole and
- Valthy creole
- they controle the
latin american
- overthrew government
and took away basic
human rights
- some attempted to make
improvements, but most just
about themselvs and their
families and friends