Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Types of contraction
- Muscular contraction
- Muscular fiber contraction takes 2 ms
- The latency period is the drawback of electric
- Muscular relaxation
- In order to stop contractions, action potentials
musn't be produced
- ATP is needed both for muscular contraction and
- Calcium is needed to contract the muscles
- When contraction is no longer needed, calcium pumps
return calcium to the sarcoplasm
- 1 ATP= 8 muscular contractions
- Phosphocreatine is used after ATP is consumed
- Phosphocreatine is found mostly in meat
- Carbohydrates are more
efficient in ATP conversion
- Krebs cycle= 30 ATP
- Skeletic muscle contraction
- Spasmodic contraction
- Muscle is stimulated with an electric shock,
contraction and relaxation occur rapidly
- Graduated contraction
- Stimulation of fibers
- Strenght will vary depending on
number of fibers that were stimulated