Women in Nazi Germany


Mindmap von graciemay1403, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von graciemay1403 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Women in Nazi Germany
  1. Education
    1. From 14 they entered Bund Deutscher Madel (German Girls' League)
      1. Girls joined Jumandel (Hitler Youth) from 10
        1. They were taught their role in life was as a good wife/ mother and their place was in the house - the 3 k's - kinder, kurche, kuche
        2. Breeding Program
          1. Women had biological purpose
            1. Medals for women who had more than 4 children
              1. Banned contraception and abortion
                1. Sterilised racially impure
                  1. Encouraged unmarried women to have children via 'Lebensboin' where women pregnant by racially pure SS officers
                  2. Employment
                    1. Women were expected to be home-makers, wives and mothers
                      1. 1934 - Women dismissed from professions
                        1. Women taken out of labor market
                          1. 1936 - Women couldn't be judges or sit on jury
                          2. Physical Constraints
                            1. Not allowed to wear make-up, have hair dyed or permed
                              1. Only to wear flat shoes - no trousers allowed
                                1. No smoking - 'unGerman'
                                  1. No slimming as thought unhealthy and would upset child-bearing
                                    1. Long hair put in a bun or plaits
                                    2. Marriage
                                      1. 1933 - Law for Encouragement of marriage which gave newly weds government loan of 1000 marks. Encouraged them to have children
                                        1. 1924 - 10 commandments for choice of spouse which encouraged people fitting German Ideal to marry and keep race pure
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