Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Structure of the League of Nations
- The Secretariat
- Civil service
- Kept records of
League meetings
- Prepared reports for the different
agencies of the League
- Had specialist sections
- Covered areas such as, health,
disarmament and economic
- The
- Met often, about five
times a year and in
- Permanent members.
- In 1920 these were
Britain, France, Italy and
- Each of these had a VETO
- One permanent member could stop
the Council acting even if all other
members agreed
- Temporary members
- Elected by the assembly for
three year periods
- If any disputes arose between
members- brought the problem to
the council
- Sorted out through
discussion before
matters got out of
- If this did not work- Council
could use a range of powers
- Moral
- Could condemn aggressor and 'tell it off'
- Economic and Financial Sanctions
- Members of the
League could refuse to
trade with the aggressor
- Military Force
- Armed forces of member countries could be used against an aggressor
- The Assembly
- League's Parliament
- Every country in
League sent a
representative to
- Could recommend action to
Council could vote on:
- Admitting new members to League
- Appointing temporary
members of the Council
- Budget of the League
- Other ideas put forward by the Council
- Only met once a year
- Decisions had to be unanimous
- Permanent Court of International Justice
- Key part of League's job of
settling disputes between
countries peacefully
- Based at the Hague in the Netherlands
- Made up of judges from member
- Court would give a decision
on a border dispute between
two countries
- Gave legal advice to the
Assembly or Council
- Had no way of making
sure that countries
followed its rulings.
- The International Labour Organisation
- Brought together employers,
governments and workers'
representatives once a year
- Aim was to improve
working conditions for
people throughout the
- Collected statistics and
information about working
- Tried to persuade member
countries to adopt its