the mystery of human life


religion y salvacion del hombre
Julian David Corpas Calvo
Mindmap von Julian David Corpas Calvo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Julian David Corpas Calvo
Erstellt von Julian David Corpas Calvo vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

the mystery of human life
  1. God's plan
    1. God desires to express himself through man (Rom. 8:29) for this purpose, he created man in his own image (Gen. 1:26) so also man is made in the image of God to contain God. by receiving God as his content, man can express God (2 cor. 4:7)
    2. Man
      1. the fulfill his plan, God made man as a vessel(Rom. 9:21-24)and the human spirit, the innermos part of man. was made to contact and received God himself. (john. 4:24) man was created not erely to contain food in his stomach or to contain knowledge in his mind, but to contain God in his spirit (Eph. 5:18)
      2. man's fall
        1. but before man coul received God as life into his spirit, sin entered into him. (Rom. 5:12) sin deadened his spirit. (Eph. 2:1), made him an enemy of God in his mind.(col. 1:21), and transmuted him body into sinfull flesh.(Gen 6:3; Rom 6:12)thus,damage all three part of man,alienating him from God. in this condition, man could not receive God
        2. christ's redemption for God's dispensing
          1. in order to accomplish his plan, God firs become a man called jesus christ. (john. 1:1,14), then christ died on the cross to redeem man. (Eph. 1:7), thus taking away his sin and bringing him back to God (john 1:19; Eph. 2:13). finally, in resurrection, he became the life-giving spirit so that he could disprnse his insearchably rich lif into man's spirit. (1 cor. 15:45b; jonh 20:22; 3:6)
          2. God's full salvation
            1. it is that process in which man gives body. mind an soul to the lords an his baptized and to which his faith extends
            2. man's regeneration
              1. regeneration is called how to be born again because man can receive the life of God in his spirit. (1 pet. 1:3; john. 3:3)
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