Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The importance of shapes fitting
together in cells and organisms
- Unit 1
- Enzymes
- Induce fit model
- Lock and key, enzyme and
- Digestion
- Maltase needed to break substances down into simple
carbohydrates required for respiration
- Mutation of lactase can result in someone being
lactose intolerance - lactose cannot be digested
- Competitive and non
competitive inhibition
- The immune system, antigen antibody complex. The
Hummoral immunity and Cell - mediated immunity
- B-lymphocytes and T-helper lymphcytes, produce antibodies with
complementary shapes of the antigens, causing them the bind
- Leads to phagocytosis
- Antibodies can attack own body cells,
autoimmune disease, can result in diabetes
- Unit 2
- Complementary nucleotide pairing
on DNA
- The shape of red blood cells and oxygen fit together, so that
oxygen can be carried to cells for repiration
- Unit 5
- DNA helicase, RNA polymerase and DNA
polymerase must all have corect shape in
order for DNA strands to seperate, mRNA
to form and DNA to rejoin during
polypeptide sythesis
- Actin and Myosin must fit together during the sliding filament
mechanism in muscle contraction. The myosin head fits into the
actin binding sit and pulls it along, by using ATPase to hydrolyse the
ATP providing energy
- Hormones and receptors , when they join to from a hormone
receptor complex. This stimulates a chemical change in the
- If the receptor loses its receptiveness it can cause disease like type 2
diabetes where insulin receptors and insulin can no longer form a
- Caspases are involved in cell apoptosis, in which a cell kills itself. happens after a cell reaches its
hayflick limit, number of times it can divide, and becomes senescent. However, if the P53 gene, a
tumour suppressor gene, becomes mutated, these caspases may form with a different tertiary
structure, meaning that the cell will not undergo apoptosis and will continue to divide uncontrollably,
resulting in a tumour.