Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Genetic Engeneering
- Definition
- scientific alteration of genetic material to produce desireable new traits or eliminate undesireable ones
- Use
- Agricultural purposes
- reproduction
- medical purposes
- Methods
- reproductiv medicine
- In vitro fertilisation IVF
- process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm OUTSIDE the body in a petri dish and then implanted to the uterus
- "Saviour Sibling"
- In additional tests during the IVF faulty genes are selected or embryous free of mutatuions are chosen to be implanted
--> the healthy sibling is supposed to be a donor for cord-blood stem cell donation
- Designer Babies
- Embryos are genetically altered to include or exclude certain characteristics (EUGENETIC)
- stem cells
- Therapeutic cloning
- Technique merges a cell from patient with a donor egg --> Nucleus is removed and replaced with nucleus of patient --> resulting stem cells carry the patient's own DNA
- reproductive Cloning
- Resulting embryo is allowed to grow and is implanted into a womb --> clone may develope normally into generically offspring --> reproductive cloning is MOSTLY FORBIDDEN
- Advantages
- Stem cells can be transferred into any tissue
- cure diseases, rebuild organs
- Disadvantages
- Need to use embryonic stem cells (Embryo is destroyed)
- New cells might be rejected
- Ethical questions & problems
- when does life start?