Zusammenfassung der Ressource
National 5 History
Question Types
- Describe
- 5/6 marks
- Intro sentence
- 5 or 6 points
- Explain
- 5/6 marks
- Refer to the question
- Intro sentence
- 3 developed points
(Point and Why is is
- To what extent
- 8 marks
- Intro sentence
- 2 ways that the event or
person were important
and why
- Two other factors
and why they were
- Conclusion-
most important
and why
- How useful
- 6 marks
- Type of source
- Where and when
- Purpose
- 2 things the
source tells us
and why it is
useful (Refer)
- 2 things the
source does not
tell us
- Compare the Sources
- 5 marks
- Identify whether or
not the 2 sources agree
or disagree
- Say in your own
words what the
sources agree or
disagree on
- Provide
Evidence from
each source
- Show 2 ways that
the sources agree
or disagree
- How fully
- 6 marks
- 3 things the source
tells us and why they
are important (Refer)
- 3 things the
source does not
tell us
- Conclusion