Water Play


Evaluation of sensory play resource
Melissa Guille
Mindmap von Melissa Guille, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Melissa Guille
Erstellt von Melissa Guille vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Water Play


  • This topic links to 'Types of Play - Sensory Play'
  1. Easily accessable
    1. Safe for children
    2. Resources
      1. Sieves
        1. funnels
          1. Containers
            1. Different materials/textures
              1. Different shapes
                1. Different sizes
                  1. Quantities
                    1. Freely available
                    2. (e.g. Boats, ducks, shells, pebbles, fish, seaweed, sand, sponges)
                      1. tubes/ guttering
                      2. Development
                        1. Physical
                          1. Motor skills
                            1. squeezing, gripping, pouring, filling, splashing
                              1. Manipulation
                                1. Object control
                              2. Hand/eye coordination
                              3. Intellectual
                                1. weight, shapes, textures, colours, quantity
                                  1. Concepts: full/empty, sink/float
                                    1. Problem solving
                                      1. e.g. moving water down a tube
                                      2. Open ended play - no set rules or end product
                                      3. Emotional
                                        1. therapeutic
                                          1. Soothing feel
                                            1. Relaxing
                                            2. Express feelings by splashing water (e.g. excitement, frustration, happiness)
                                            3. Social
                                              1. social play
                                                1. Sharing resources
                                                  1. Sharing experience
                                                    1. develop language
                                                    2. Develop skills of independence - playing alone
                                                  2. Add bubbles or food colouring
                                                    1. sensory
                                                      1. Touch
                                                        1. (e.g. add ice or bubbles)
                                                        2. Taste
                                                          1. Sight
                                                            1. Sounds
                                                              1. (e.g. pouring, splashing, gluggling
                                                              2. Smell
                                                                1. Add fragrance (bubbles)
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