Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Marx on
- Introduction
- 'Economic + Philosophic
Manuscripts of 1844' Marx
- Focusing = 1st + 3rd
- 1st Manuscript = Marx develops this
theory through explaining how, under
capitalism, more people rely on 'labour'
to live.
- Theory of alienation = describes the
alienation of people = aspects - their
human nature from living in society
formed in social classes.
- In the later Marx developed
foundations of his theory of alienation
from works of Ludwig Feuerbach..
- 'Towards Critique of Hegels
Philosophy of Right:
- 3rd Manuscript = Marx
defines meaning of human
requirement and praises
Feuerbachs critique of
- To show this Marx develops
4 types of alienation.
- 1st Manuscript
(Marx Development Alienated Labour)
- 2. Alienation - worker
from working - from act
of producing.
- Work worker
performs doesn't
belong to worker.
- Is a means of survival
worker is forced to
do for someone else.
- Therefore - working
activity doesn't come
from creativity...
- But exists outside of
him and reveals a
loss of identity.
- 1. Alienation - worker
from work - from
product of labour.
- Marx = work
makes human 'it fulfils
our species essence' it
allows = creative +
- But in 19th century
Europe = work destroyed
workers, particularly those
who- nothing to sell but
labour. (Working Class)
- Economic system of private
ownership, society divided 2
classes: property owners +
property-less workers.
- In this form workers
don't only suffer = being
poor, but also =
alienation from world.
- Alienation happens
because worker can't
relate to product of his
- Worker puts life into
object + his labour =
invested into object...
- But because worker
doesn't have connection
= product he becomes
more alienated more he
produced, under
- Everything - makes
goes to world - doesn't
belong to.
- 3. Alienation worker
from himself- as a
- For human beings
work = life
- Process of
transforming goods
makes up the identity
of a human being.
- But in private ownership
and division of labour
worker = alienated from
these 2 things.
- 4. Alienation
worker from
other workers.
- Since the workers product is
owned by someone else,
worker sees this person =
capitalist as alien +
- The worker feels
alienated from + hostile
towards system = private
- Through- capitalist
appropriates both object
of production for own
- and workers identity +
wholeness as human
- Third Manuscript
- In capitalist society, human
needs = defined by system
of private ownership.
- Instead of mere food,
clothing and shelter, human
beings need money.
- Capitalism holds different
needs, different
social classes it creates.
- As capitalists gain more
wealth = needs become
more refined.
- This means = workers forced
adjust needs downwards, making
them = bare minimum, system
pays them to stay alive.
- In this system, the worker becomes
conscious = of miserable status in
relation to the capitalist.
- Solution to alienation =
- Which gets rid of system of
private property.
- Marx agrees with
critique of Hegel.
- Feuerbach claims religion
= reflection of human
alienation stemming from
hostile relationships.
- Marx agrees Feuerbach's
criticism against Hegel from
privileging religious belief.
- Hegel correctly identifies labour:
essence of man, but mistakenly
defines it: mental activity when its
physical labour.
- Hegel = most evolved state of
self-consciousness = self-objectification
that carries with it the experience of
- The function of religion, civil society
+ state = enable objectified
self consciousness subject to feel at
home in the world.
- Marx, however sees this as movement
away from nature and towards
reliance on institutions in order to
improve alienation as a mistake.
- For Marx, alienation
results from isolation
from nature.
- In Religious experience the
subject finds confirmation of his
alienation he doesn't negate it.
- Human beings are motivated by
their relationship to natural
objects through their senses.
- This is the essence of
human experience.
- Human beings seek self
realization by
transforming natural
- When, however man is
estranged from nature,
one is estranged from
- Marx on
- It is here Marx sets out
his account of religion.
- In terms of religion, marx
accepted Feurbachs claim that
humans have created God.
- Feuerbach additionally argued that
worshipping God alienated human
beings from enjoying own human
- However Marx criticises Feuerbach
account as hes failed to understand
why people fall into religious alienation.
- Marx claims religion is
response to alienation in
material life.
- Therefore can't be removed until
human material is liberated.
- There are 2 aspects of
alienation responsible for
creating religion.
- 1. Alienated Labour
- 2. Need Humans assert
there communal essence.
- Humans exist in community + what
makes Human life possible =
economic relations.
- Marx states we must
acknowledge communal existence
in institutions.
- At firs it is though religion
which creates false
- Then when we get
rid of religion, the
state fills this gap.
- But state and religion = be upstaged
when community social and economic
equal created.
- 'On James Mill'
- Here non-alienated labour is described
such that a persons immediate
enjoyment of production is seen as
evidence of there powers.
- Also described as meeting needs
of others - therefore confirming
human essence and mutual