Literary Genres


Mindmap am Literary Genres, erstellt von carlishaj am 03/04/2015.
Mindmap von carlishaj, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von carlishaj vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Literary Genres
  1. Non-Fiction
    1. Poetry
      1. Lyric
        1. Music
        2. Epic
          1. Dramatic
          2. Information
            1. Biography
              1. Reference
                1. Newspaper
                  1. Journalism
                  2. Plays
                    1. Comedy
                      1. Tragedy
                        1. Melodrama
                        2. Autobiography
                          1. Life of Carlisha Jones
                          2. Speech
                            1. Essay
                              1. Memoir
                                1. Folk Tale
                                  1. Letters
                                    1. Personal
                                      1. Professional
                                    2. Fiction
                                      1. Science Fiction
                                        1. Adventure
                                          1. Alien
                                          2. Folklore
                                            1. Horror
                                              1. Paranormal
                                                1. Gore
                                                  1. Monster/Zombie
                                                  2. Legend
                                                    1. Mythology
                                                    2. Mystery
                                                      1. Fairy Tales
                                                        1. Realistic
                                                          1. Romance
                                                          2. Tall Tale
                                                            1. Comedy
                                                              1. Fantasy
                                                                1. Superhero
                                                                  1. Magic
                                                                    1. Villians
                                                                    2. Short Story
                                                                      1. Drama
                                                                        1. Fiction & Non-fiction
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