Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychology subject map
- Unit 2
- Biological
- the body's response to stress
- stress related illness and the immune system
- life changes and daily hassles
- workplace stress
- personality and stress
- methods of stress managment
- research methods and stress
- Individual
- definitions of abnormality
- explaining abnormality: biological approach
- explaining abnormality: psychological approach
- explaining abnormality: behavioural approach
- explaining abnormality: cognitive approach
- treating abnormality: biological therapies
- treating abnormality: psychoanalysis
- treating abnormality: systematic desensitisation
- treating abnormality: cognitive behavioural
- case studies
- Social
and obedience
- conformity
- explanations of why people conform
- obedience
- explanations of why people obey
- explanations of independent behaviour
- how social influence research helps us to understand
change: the role of minority influence on social change
- Unit 1
- Cognitive
- research into duration
- research into encoding
- research into capacity
- Atkinson and shiffrin (1968): multi store model of memory
- research into the multi store model of memory
- Baddeley and hitch (1974): working memory model of memory
- research into the working memory model
- the influence of misleading information on the accuracy of eye witness testimonies
- the influence of anxiety on the accuracy of eyewitness testimonies
- the influence of age on the accuracy of eyewitness testimonies
- the cognitive interview
- strategies for memory improvement
- Developmental
- explanations of attachment
- types of attachment
- cultural variations in attachment
- deprivation
- privation/institutionalisation
- research into the effects of day care on social development
- influence of research in child care practices