

GCSE ALevel PE Mindmap am Continua, erstellt von Sharon Turner am 01/10/2013.
Sharon Turner
Mindmap von Sharon Turner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sharon Turner
Erstellt von Sharon Turner vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Environment
    1. Open
      1. Affected by environment
        1. Can be adapted to suit situation
          1. e.g. hockey pitch
          2. Closed
            1. Skills not affected by environment
              1. e.g. badminton serve
            2. Pacing
              1. Externally
                1. Control determined by environment
                  1. e.g. starting gun 100m sprint
                  2. Self
                    1. Performer decides when to start movement
                      1. e.g. tennis serve
                    2. Organisation
                      1. Low
                        1. e.g. trampolining sequence
                          1. Subroutines can be easily separated
                          2. High
                            1. Subroutines can not be separated
                              1. e.g. cartwheel
                            2. Continuity
                              1. Discrete
                                1. Clear beginning and end
                                  1. e.g. catching a ball
                                  2. Serial
                                    1. Repetition of discrete
                                      1. e.g. trampolining sequence
                                      2. Continuous
                                        1. No beginning or end
                                          1. e.g. running
                                            1. End of one movement is the beginning of another
                                          2. Muscular Involvement
                                            1. Gross
                                              1. Large muscle groups
                                                1. Little precision
                                                  1. e.g. swimming
                                                  2. Fine
                                                    1. intricate movement
                                                      1. Small muscle groups
                                                        1. Hand-eye coordination
                                                          1. e.g. darts
                                                        2. Difficulty
                                                          1. Simple
                                                            1. Few subroutines
                                                              1. Little info to be processed
                                                                1. e.g. running
                                                                2. Complex
                                                                  1. Many subroutines
                                                                    1. Speed & timing critical
                                                                      1. Many decisions to be made
                                                                        1. High perceptual load
                                                                          1. e.g. high jump
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