Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Chapter 4
- S3 101
- Simple Storage Service
- provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable,
highly-scalable object storage. Amazon S3 is easy to use, with
a simple web services interface to store and retrieve any
amount of data from anywhere on the web.
- a safe place to store your file
- object-based storage
- The data is spread across multiple
- The Basic
- Object-based (allows you to upload files)
- Files can be from 0 Bytes to 5TB
- There is unlimited storage
- Files are stored in buckets (similar to folder)
- S3 is a universal namespace. Name must be unique globally
- When you upload a file to S3, you will receive a HTTP 200 code if the upload is successful
- Data Consistency Model for S3
- Read after write consistency for PUTS of new Objects
- Eventually Consistency for overwrites PUTS and DELETES (can takes some time to propagate)
- S3 is a Simple Key-Value Store
- Object Consist of the following:
- Key - name of the object
- Value - data
- Version ID - important for version control
- Metadata - data about data that is stored
- Built for 99.99% availability for the S3 platform
- Amazon guarantee 99.9% availability
- S3 Security
- S3 Policies
- S3 Encrytion
- Setup Encryption On an S3 bucket
- CORS Configuration Lab
- CloudFront
- CloudFront Lab
- S3 Performance Optimization
- S3 Performance Update