Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sociology - Unit 1:Families and households
- couples
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- The domestic division of labour
- the instrumental
and expressive roles
- joint and segregated
conjugal roles
- the symmetrical family
- a feminist view of housework
- Oakley: the rise of
the housewife role
- The impact of paid work
- Gershuny: the trend towards equality
- the commercialisation of housework
- the dual burden
- emotion work
- lesbian couples and gender scripts
- Resources and decision
making in households
- domestic
- the radical feminist
- wilkinson: domestic violence,
inequality and stress
- childhood
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- Childhood as a
social construct
- the modern western notion of childhood
- cross cultural differences in childhood
- historical differences
in childhood
- reasons for changes in
the position of children
- Has the position of
children improved ?
- the march of progress view
- the conflict view
- The future of childhood
- the disappearance of childhood
- a separate childhood culture
- the globalisation of western childhood
- contradictory trends - the
reconstruction of childhood
- changing family patterns
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- Divorce
- explanations of the increase in divorce
- the meaning of high divorce rates
- Partnerships
- marriage
- cohabitation
- same sex relationships
- one person households
- Parents and children
- childbearing
- lone-parent families
- stepfamilies
- The extended
family today
- Ethnic differences in family patterns
- demography
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- Births
- reasons for the decline in the birth rate
- effects of changes
in fertility
- Deaths
- reasons for the decline in the death rate
- life expectancy
- the ageing population
- effects of an ageing population
- Migration
- emigration
- recent and future
migration patterns
- family diversity and the life course
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- modernism and the nuclear family
- the new right
- Chester: the neo-conventional family
- The rapoports: five types of family diversity
- Post modernity and the life course
- life course
- family
- post modernity and family diversity
- Giddens: choice and equality
- Beck: risk society and the negotiated family
- Stacey: the divorce
extended family
- Weeks: the growing
acceptance of diversity
- two views of family diversity
- the functions of the family
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- The functionalist perspective on the family
- Parsons functional fit theory
- loss of functions
- The marxist perspective on the family
- inheritance of property
- ideological functions
- a unit of consumption
- Feminist perspectives on the family
- liberal feminism
- marxist feminism
- radical feminism
- difference feminism
- criticisms of perspectives
in the family
- social policy and the family
- Sociologists that you can use for this section:
- A comparative view of family policy
- abolishing the family
- chinas one child policy
- nazi family policy
- Perspectives on families and social policy
- functionalism
- the new right
- new labour
- feminism
- marxism
- Donzelot: the policing of the family