Verb To Be


mind map
Maritzel  González Hernández
Mindmap von Maritzel González Hernández, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maritzel  González Hernández
Erstellt von Maritzel González Hernández vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Verb To Be
  1. Negative Form
    1. Verb be has some forms which are:
      1. I am not hungry.
        1. She is not hungry.
          1. The children are not hungry.
        2. Present, past and future.
          1. In future: hHe will be a teacher
            1. In past: He was a teacher.
              1. In present: He is a teacher.
              2. Are
                1. We are soccer fans.
                2. Is
                  1. She is a nurse.
                  2. AM
                    1. I am a teacher.
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