Communism and Capitalism


Their (political) beliefs of what the country should be like.
Marina A
Mindmap von Marina A, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marina A
Erstellt von Marina A vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Communism and Capitalism
  1. The should only be one political party.
    1. Everyone must work for the state.
      1. Only one political party.
        1. All produce is taken and given back to the people - not for profit.
          1. No need for an owner - factory is owned by the Government.
            1. We should only make as many products as we need.
              1. Citizens receive no vote or say in who runs the country.
                1. We will enforce strict censorship - Noone should criticise the state.
                  1. Ideally, there is no need for a leader because it is run by a committee so there is no voting.
                    1. Fairness and equality for all.
                      1. Religious freedom is limited or banned.
                        1. Capitalism
                          1. Freedom and opportunity
                            1. Farmers sell food for as much as possible - for profit.
                              1. We sould make as much products as we can and sell them for profits.
                                1. All industries are owned by individuals or companies.
                                  1. One leader, voted for by the people.
                                    1. People should be free to start their own businesses and make a profit.
                                      1. A Parliament votes on and passes laws.
                                        1. We believe in people having freedom of speech on political matters.
                                          1. There should be a variety of palitical parties for people to shoose between
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