Nomenclature and isomerism in organic chemistry


Mindmap am Nomenclature and isomerism in organic chemistry, erstellt von Amy Holden am 13/04/2015.
Amy Holden
Mindmap von Amy Holden, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amy Holden
Erstellt von Amy Holden vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Nomenclature and isomerism in organic chemistry
  1. 1 carbon = meth-
    1. 2 carbon = eth-
      1. 3 carbon = prop-
        1. 4 carbon = but-
          1. 5 carbon = pent-
            1. 6 carbon = hex-
              1. 7 carbon = hept-
                1. Alkanes
                  1. alkanes in a carbon ring are given the prefix cyclo-
                    1. Single bonds
                      1. Suffix -ane
                      2. Alkenes
                        1. Double bonds
                          1. Suffix -ene
                          2. Stereoisomerism
                            1. Two or more compounds have the same structural formula, but differ in the arrangement of bonds in space
                              1. E-Z isomerism
                                1. When each double bonded carbon has two different atoms or groups attached to it
                                  1. You can't rotate a double bond
                                    1. E = apart
                                      1. Z = together
                                      2. Optical isomerism
                                      3. Structural isomerism
                                        1. Have different functional groups
                                          1. The functional groups are attached to the main chain at different points
                                            1. They have a different arrangement of carbon atoms in the skeleton of the molecule
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