Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion and Community Cohesion -
Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Unit 3
- Christianity and Role of Women
- Traditional - women should not speak in Church
or be priests and men should be head of the
family. St Paul states in the Bible that women
have to submit to their husbands and are
prohibited to speak in church.
- Liberal - Men and women should
have equal societal roles. Many
protestant churches now have
women priests and recently, the
first woman bishop.
- "There is neither male nor female,
for you are all one in Christ" - St
- Jesus treated women as equals and
had women followers such as
Martha and Mary.
- Jesus chose men to
be his apostles, only
because that was
time's culture.
- Catholic - Men and women are equal,
because everyone is equal in eyes of God.
However, only men can be priests as Jesus
only chose male disciples and Jesus himself
was male, whom the priest represents in
- Growth of Women's Rights
- Women have right to vote.
- Equal Pay Act
- Sex Discrimination Act
- Women took male
jobs in World War
- Bible and Men and Women
- Equal
- "You are all one in
Jesus Christ" - St Paul
- Jesus first appeared to
women at resurrection.
- Jesus spoke to
Samaritan woman in
- Jesus had female followers.
- Women were with Jesus in his last few hours on the cross.
- Unequal
- Adam before Eve.
- Woman commits
first sin, further
suggesting that
man should follow
- Paul expected women to
serve husbands in marriage.
- Paul's letters to Timothy
stated that no women
should be permitted to
speak in church.
- How do religions promote
Community Cohesion?
- Some religious groups are helping
interfaith marriages by providing special
ceremonies for interfaith couples, in
order to promote cohesion.
- It is a firm part of the
national curriculum
within schools to teach
about community
- Masses are often held in various
different languages and religions are
open to celebrating festivals of
different religions in order to create a
shared sense of belonging.
- Inter Faith Network was set up to
promote relations between varying
religious groups.
- Religious Hatred Act - makes it illegal
to discriminate due to the religion of a