Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Maths Statistics 2015
- Probability
- Key Words:
- Notation = P=probability
- Event = doing something
e.g. flipping a coin
- Outcome = result of an event
- Equally Likely Outcomes = all outcomes
have an equal chance of being chosen
- You can write the
answers in either a:
- Percentage %
- Fraction /
- Decimal 00.000
- Probability
Outcome =
number of ways
the outcome can
number of possible
- Questionnaires
- Questioning
- Poor Questioning
- "You support Arsenal don't you?"
- This question is biased because
the person being question may
feel like the question has
already been answered for
- "What do you
think about
science? A. it
is very grate
B. it is grate
- In this question there is
no negative answer
therefore it is a biased
- " Are you a criminal?"
- This
question is
unlikely to
find out the
truth in a
- The main methods of
- face to face
- by phone
- by post
- via the internet
- They generally include
- yes/no answers
- tick boxes/ multiple choice
- numbered responses
- word responses
- require a sentence to be written
- Sampling
- Discrete and continuous data
- Continuous
- Definition: can take any
value and keeps on going.
- E.g. a shoe size.
- Discrete
- E.g. number
of people in
a car.
- Definition: has
to be a hole
number, it cant
be 3,1/3 for example.
- Random Sampling.
- Ways of calculating it.
- Calculator
- Computer (excel)
- Gives a fair
chance to all
the numbers.
- If you are going to
sample people or
objects you need
to number them.
- Stratified sampling.
- Strata = layer
- Sample size for each layer = size
of hole sample / size of
population *size
- Example
- there are 180 students in year 7
- this is the size of the layer.
- there are 1000 students in th school
- this is the size of the whole population
- you want a sample of only 50 people in total.
- this is the whole sample
- Now you need to do the sample
equation for every year.
- Averages
- Mean
- Definition: Mean is an average, it
is the 'Centaral' number.
- You can calculate it by Adding up all the
numbers and the dividing that emount
by how many values there are.