Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How Far had
German Nationalism
Grown by 1850?
- Cultural Progress
- Romantic
Movement - arts,
literature, poets
and musicians.
- Inspired by the
idea of a Great
- Common culture, traditions, history
- Language a great unifying force -
25million speaking the same
- Quotations:
- "Those who speak the same
language are joined by a
multitude of invisible bonds" -
- "Tens of thousands of people felt
passionately that Germans deserved
a fatherland" - Stiles
- Cultural Limitations
- Majority of population
illiterate - only 48% were
- Most couldn't access the
works of the Romantic
- This was mainly a m/c movement
- Peasants and w/c had
other priorities like
- Quotes:
- "Most Germans seldom
looked up from the plough"
- Mann
- "There was no call for democracy, liberalism
or nationalism" - McGonigle
- Political Progress
- 1840 - French Threats to invade Rhineland.
Members from many other states defended area,
showing they were united against the common
- Growth of
dedicated to seeing
French driven from
German soil
- Frankfurt Parliament established to
draw up a constitution for a unified
- 1848 revolutions proved that
people were prepared to
demonstrate and demand
change - Metternich so fearful
that he fled to Britain.
- Quotes:
- "The French united the German
States in a common feeling or
resentment against them" -
- Political Limitations
- Leaders of 39 states wanted
to keep their own powers
and opposed the FP
- Failure of FP and no
agreement reached on
Gross or Klein Solution
- Failure of 1848
Revolutions showed
nationalists were
- Bund kept political progress to a minimum, led by anti-nationalist
Austroa, all decisions had to be unanimous
- Repressive measures put in place
to curb spread of nationalism -
Carlsbad Decrees and Six Acts
- Quotes:
- "The Carlsbad Decrees were successful in
keeping Germany quiet for a considerable
period of time" - McKichan
- "The Bund was more a means to perpetuate
the division of Germany than to unite it" -
- Ecinomic Progress
- Area of most significant progress
and successful in bringing the
states together
- Zollverein set up in 1818 and
encouraged trade between its
member states - they acted as one
country, economically
- By 1836, 25 out of 39
states were
- Excluded
- Led to the growth of the Railway
network across the member states
and ended state isolation
- Zollverein states producing far more coal and
iron than Austria - proved that economic
cooperation was successful
- Quotes:
- "Mighty
leveler" - Carr
- "a force for unity
in the 1840s" -
- "Railways were of great
political significance as
they helped break down
provincial barriers" - Carr