Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Protecting files from theft (being stolen)
- Password
- Strong password
- Include numbers
- Include capitals
- Special charachters
- Don't use personal information
- Long enough (min 8 characters)
- Access rights and permissions
- Read (look at the data)
- Copy
- Write (Edit the data)
- Firewalls
- Software or Hardware
- Controls what data
can pass through it
- Physical protection
- Locks on doors
- Key
- Keypad
- Card
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
- Biometrics
(fingerprint &
retina scanner)
- Security guards
- Location of stored data - upstairs, away from entrance
- GPS tracking
- Encryption
- If data has been stolen encryption
prevents the data being used.
- Data is
- Only if you have the
'key' can you decrypt
the data.
- Encrypted data has no meaning.
- Backup data
- Make a copy of the data
- Should be stored
away from the
original data
- Name