Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Cold War
- Chinese Civil War
- The Chinese Civil War started in the 1920s. The war was started
because no one could decide if China would become a Communist
nation or a democracy. It continued on and off again throughout
World War II. The war was between the Communists and the
Nationalists. The United States aided the Nationalists with massive
economic loans but no military support. The civil war ended on
October 1, 1949, when Mao Zedong declared the creation of the
Peoples Republic of China (PCR).
- Korean War
- The Korean War began on June 25, 1950. It
began when about 75,000 North Korean
soldiers crossed over the 38th parallel, the
boundary between North and South Korea.
It was the first military action of the Cold
War. The war was started because of
Communist North Korea wanted to have
the whole country together again under
Communist rule. By July, American troops
came to help South Korea. In July 1953, the
Korean War ended. About 5 million
soldiers and civilians lost their lives during
the war. The Korean Peninsula is still
divided today.
- Marshall Plan
- The Marshall Plan was signed on April 3, 1948 by
President Truman. It was originally called the
Economic Recovery Act of 1948. It was named the
Marshall Plan after George Marshall, Secretary of
State, who proposed that the US provide economic
assistance to help bring back the economy from
post-war Europe. It provided money to help
rebuild Europe. It was proposed because of the
vulnerability of Western Europe to Soviet
- Truman Doctrine
- On March 12, 1947, the Truman
Doctrine was created by President
Harry Truman. The Truman Doctrine
established that the United States
would provide military, political, and
economic assistance to all democratic
nations under threat from external or
internal authoritarian forces.The
Truman Doctrine effectively
reoriented US foreign policy away
from its usual stance of withdrawal
from regional conflicts not directly
involving the United States, to one of
possible intervention in far away
conflicts.. The Truman Doctrine arose
from a speech made by President
- Berlin Airlift
- After World War II, Germany was divided into
different zones; one zone was the Soviet- zone and
three other zones were for the United States, Britain,
and France. The capital of Germany, Berlin, was also
divided into four sections. The Soviet Union wanted
Berlin all for themselves. They closed all railroads,
highways, and canals from Western Germany to
Western Berlin. This tactic, they believed, would drive
out Britain, France, and the US out of the city for
good. The US and allies decided to use an airlift to
bring in supplies. This event was called the Berlin
Airlift and it lasted for over year. .
- Warsaw Pact
- The Warsaw Pact was signed on May 14,
1955. It was created by the Soviet Union. This
alliance was formed to counterbalance the
NATO. It included multiple nations in Eastern
Europe. Overtime, nations became
dissatisfied with the Warsaw Pact, so they
left the alliance. As more and more nations
left, the alliance started to fall apart. The
Warsaw Pact officially disbanded in March and
July in 1991.
- The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
was formed in September 1954 by the United
States, Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand,
the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan. The
purpose of this organization was to prevent
communism from gaining ground in the region.
Only two Southeast Asian nations joined. In 1970,
multiple nations left the organization because
they were unhappy with the United States
involvement in the Vietnam War. By 1977,
SEATO was formally disbanded.
- NATO is short for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATO was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada,
and multiple Western European nations. It was made to
provide collective security against the Soviet Union. It
was the first peacetime military alliance that the United
States entered into outside the Western Hemisphere. The
treaty was signed on April 4, 1949. The alliance is still
together even today. It has 28 members (nations) in the