Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Principles:
- Human beings are social animals
- Asch's paradigm
- Social and cultural environment affect behaviour
- Bandura - Bobo doll
- Humans have a social self
- Tajfel (discrimination)
- Situational and dispositional factors
- Asch, S.P experiment
- Stereotypes
- Aronson & Steele (African/American), Spencer et al. (maths)
- Social learning theory
- Bandura
- Culture and cultural norms
- Emic and etic
- World Health Organisation (depression), Bond & Smith
- Research methods
- Asch, S.P experiment, Festinger
- Ethical considerations
- S.P experiment, John Watson (Little Albert)
- Errors in attribution
- Lee (gameshow), Festinger (prophecy)
- Social identity theory
- Tajfel, S,P experiment
- Compliance techniques
- Dickerson (FITD), Cialdini (R), Stanley Milgram (A)
- Comformity
- Asch, Bond and Smith
- Cultural dimentions
- Hofstede, Ash, Mead