Electronic-Waste recycling fixing the problem or creating a new one


Mindmap am Electronic-Waste recycling fixing the problem or creating a new one, erstellt von tvtech2u am 05/10/2013.
Mindmap von tvtech2u, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tvtech2u vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Electronic-Waste recycling fixing the problem or creating a new one
  1. The amount of e-waste
    1. Types of E-waste
      1. What it consists of.
        1. Maaping the international trade and traffic of electronic waste.
          1. Global perspectives on e-waste
          2. The dangers of e-waste
            1. Mankind
              1. Enviroment
                1. Animals
                  1. Developmental Neurotoxicants.
                    1. Mapping flows of international waste
                    2. Current practices
                      1. Unfair trade e-waste in Africa
                        1. Waste recycling taming the mountain
                          1. Governing bodies
                            1. Journal of material cycle and waste managment
                            2. Thesis Statement: Higlighting the movements of Electronic waste created worldwide and some of the dangers created by irresponsible recycling practices
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