Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Frames
- The frame tool allows individual segments of an animation to be edited
- Layers
- The layer tools allows multiple images to be placed on the same canvas. For
example a background can be placed and can only be edited if the selected
layer is enabled
- Buttons
- Number Buttons
- Number buttons in blender can be used in a
variety of ways, although they are mainly used
for changed values for example how blod you
want your brush strokes to be.
- Operation Buttons
- Operation buttons are a feture within
blender that are most likely connectd
to a number. These operation buttons
can be edited to anything the user
desires such as play animation, stop
animation and also save animation.
- Toggle Boxes
- Toggle buttons are like tick boxes but they only execute the
command they are binded to when enabled. For example, if a
toggle box had the feature of changing the page colours it would
only take place if the user enables the toggle box. Once the toggle
box has been disabled the command linked to the toggle box will
stop running.
- Tweening
- Tweening in blender allows you to manipulate
images once then have been placed. It allows for
example the number one to slowly transition into
a number two.
- Libraries
- A library in blender is used to hold
importedr files such as videos ect.
It can also hold different effects
such as flares so the user does not
need to repeat the process of
- Preloaders
- A preloader is a progress bar that
will show for example how much of
the animation is renderd and loaded
into the ram cache.
- Script
- A script in belnder is a very small programme that is written in the python
language rather than html. Scripts can be used to add more functions to blender in
a variety of ways. For example
- Symbols
- Symbols allow the user to create their
own functions for example you can
create a symbol of a moving dog or a
bouncy ball.
- Preloaders
- Preloaders are a feature in blender that shows a
progress bar of items being loaded into the software.
A preloader is also displayed when the software is
launched to show the user what is happening when
the programme opens.
- Controls
- There are various different controlls in blender
such as the play and reqind control. All the
controlls in blender allow the user to operate
more freely around the software.