Hold fast to Dreams


By Lainey Johnson
Mindmap von 11909805, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 11909805 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Hold fast to Dreams
  1. Structure of the poem: the structure of the poem is lyrical, with repetition and rhyme.
    1. Theme: the theme of the poem is to to hold on to your dreams, no matter what happens.
      1. Figurative Language:: some examples of figurative language are... " life is a broken-winged bird" and "life is a barren field.
        1. Main Idea: the main idea of the poem is to show how important it is to hold on to your dreams whatever they may be because if you don't life will not be as you want it.
          1. Poetic Devices: some poetic devices in this poem include, rhyme, repition, figurative language, and metaphors.
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