Zusammenfassung der Ressource
PY1 - Cognitive Approach
- Assumptions
- 1. Behaviour can be explained by mental processes
- Perception
- Attention
- Memory
- Language
- Thinking
- 2. Computer analogy and multi-store model
- 3. "Faulty thinking": The assumption that psychological
problems are caused by thoughts that are incorrect
- Attribution theory
- Self serving bias
- Internal
- Applied to ourselves when something goes well
- External
- Application of external situations to
ourselves when things go wrong
- Internal attribution: someone's personality
External attribution: the situation
- Covariation theory
- Consistency: behaving the same way all the time - the extent to which any
behaviour between one person and one stimulus is the same over time
- Distinctiveness: considering the extent to which any behaviour is unique
- the extent that one person behaves the same to different stimuli
- Internal attributions happen when the consistency is high and distinctiveness
and consensus are low - external attributions occur when all three are high.
- Consensus: the extent to which there is agreement amongst other people
- The aim is to alter maladaptive thoughts and
replace them with new, constructive positive thinking
- Beck's negative triad
- Challenging dysfunctional thoughts
- - Homework tasks that would prove the thoughts to be incorrect
- Thought diaries
- Cahill et al found that 71% of patients who went through CBT had
reduced depression, however 13% who did not complete CBT got better
- Direct questioning of faulty thoughts
- "Where is evidence for X?"
"How can you prove X?"
- Methodology
- Lab experiments
- Low ecological validity
- Demand characteristics
- Experimenter bias
- Repeatable
- Control of extraneous variables
- Case studies
- Qualitative data
- Difficult to analyse
- Detailed data
- Idiographic
- Cant be generalised
- Specific to the individual
- Subjective view of behaviour
- Evaluation
- Reductionist
- Computer model is mechanistic reductionism
- Reducing the human mind to a computer may simplify it too much
- Determinism
- Ignores free will
- Pessimistic view of human control
- Useful
- CBT has managed to treat people
- Scientfic
- Lab study
- Can be proved
- Can be repeated