Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Psychological treatment
- Psychodynamic treatments
- Cognitive treatment
- Issues surrounding classification
- Validity
- does sz exist?
- reliability
- classification more reliable over time
- beck et al
- differences in reliabilty across cultures due to different systems
- schizophrenia diagnosis is more reliable than other disorders
- differences in diagnosis across systems
- Rosenahn
- being sane
- out of date?
- responsible response to people suffering
- Biological Explanaytion
- Genetics
- biological treatment
- Chlorpromazine
- Clozapine
- psychological explanation
- Sociocultural Factors
- Cognititve fators
- Clinical Characteristics
- positive symptoms
- Negative symptoms
- type 2 characteristics
- chronic
- type 1 characteristics
- Acute
- bette prospect of recovery
- 2 or more symptoms for least a month
- Symptoms
- thought insertion
- hallucinations
- delusions
- Wander off point
- indifferent to others
- lack of decision making
- zen or repetitive behaviours