Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychology & Religion (Woody)
- Freud
- A Collective Neurosis
- Compared religious / neurotic behaviour
- Hysterics / worship
(eg. Toronto Blessing)
- Phobias & anxieties / fear of judgement
- Obsessive behaviour / rituals
- Origin of collective neurosis
- Primal horde, dominated by alpha male
- Young males united & killed alpha
- To appease guilt & reunite horde, they
made a totem to replace the alpha
- Worshipped totem, developing rituals
- Modern religious
practices developed from
inherited patricidal guilt
(eg. concept of
- Darwinian theory of
prehistoric 'primal hordes'
- Wish Fulfillment
- Religion is a projection of
unconscious human desires
(eg. God as a father figure)
- Influenced by Feuerbach
- Reaction Against Helplessness
- Jung