Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How successful was Collectivisation?
- Successes
- By 1941 98% of all Russian
Farms were collectivised
- Grain exports rose
from 0.03 in 1928 to 5 million tonnes in 1931
- Grain procurement rose from 11 million tonnes in
1928 to 23 million in 1933
- Chaos and fear of a civil war unites the Soviet Party
and its leaders behind Stalin
- Urbanisation is accelerated: mass
migration to towns and cities-19
- Provides a work force for industrialisation
- The peasantry is no longer a political force/threat as
its no longer able to oppose the government
- OGPU/Secret Police are central to the Soviet State:
Stalin's authority is enforced in the countryside as well
as towns and cities
- Stalin is reinforced
as a political Leader
- Blame was placed on Kulaks and 'peasant
sabatoeurs' making Stalin look better and no longer
guilty for famine etc.
- Funds are provided for the First Five Year Plan in 1928
- Industrial workers were able
to be fed and therefore keep
producing products/materials
- Failures
- Peasant revolts
caused livestock to
be killed
- 1/4 of all cattle/pigs/sheep
are destroyed by 1929 and horses
are halved by 1931
- Crops were burned
- Grain harvests were worse than under the Tsar
- 1913: 80 million Tonnes
- 1925: 75 million tonnes
- Famine/holodomov in 1931 caused: 7
million deaths
- Dekulakisation caused a lack of skilled
workers which the 25000 didn't replace
having no understanding of agriculture
- 10 million sent to Gulags
- 2-3 million died in those Gulags
- 1929: 150,000 Kulak familes exiled
- 1931: 285,000 familes exiled
- Economic policy was chaotic
and a lot of grain was left to rot
- Peasants lost the incentive to work with the farms not
their own
- Standard of living for Peasants dropped.