Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Our Social Groups
- Living for the here and now
- Meaning they'd watch our production because it's new
- They’re
dedicated to
pursuing their
craft, creating
and developing
new ideas
- Making them part of the niche audience we're aiming towards
- highly influential and attuned to the coolest brands
- they’re fully committed to staying ahead of the curve
- Meaning they'd want to be the first to watch our production, and then
spread it around the other groups
- schewing the mainstream
and what it stands for, it’s
about authenticity
- This means due to our
production being aimed
towards niche audiences,
they're more likely to watch it
because the mainstream won't
be as interested
- driven by the need set themselves
apart from the mainstream
- they’re determined to be different – but do it together
- Alternative is a very large audience number,
meaning it would be worthy - especially in England
to aim our production towards this social group. As
the numbers are even growing as the need to be an
individual grows.
- Internet culture means the alternative
lifestyle has never been so accessible
- Which again means the numbers are building and our
production will appeal to more of an audience- due to social
media that alternatives depend on to document their lives.
- the Internet gives them
unparalleled access to
pop culture and Nerd
icons are taking over
screens around the world