Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Professional Development
Analysis Graphic Organizer
- Collaboration
- Departmental
- PLC's
- Integrating curriculum
- Teachers and Coaches
- Mentors and Mentees
- Organization
- Conduct regular
scheduled meetings
- Be timely
- Well prepared
- Know content
- Consistency
- Data Analysis
- Benchmark Exams
- Response to Interventions (RTI)
- Reading Fluency
- State of Texas Assessment of
Academic Readiness (STAAR)
- Formative and
Summative Assessments
- Performance Based
- Student Success
Initiative (SSI),
- Student Work
- Formative and
Summative Assessments
- PBA's
- Portfollios
- Interactive Student
Notebook (ISN)
- Essays
- Presentations
- Continuous Teaching Learning
- Professional Developments
- Professional Learning Communitites
- Mentor/Coach
- Staff Trainings
- Reflective Practice
- Debriefing with coach or administrator
- Reflect on previous lessons
- Self Examinations
- Answer reflective questions