Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Developed and challenged conventions.
- Integrated narrative - we decided that we wanted to
integrate the idea of a narrative and live music
performance together. We felt that this was Important
because we were using an unknown and unsigned band,
meaning that people wouldn't be completely interested in
watching the band alone, so a secondary stimulus is
needed to keep a good level of attention
- We also wanted our video to be different because we didn't want
to follow a simple narrative as many do, and wanted to create
something the audience would enjoy and want to speak about, as
this would create a communication about the band to help get their
name known. We did this by developing the idea of simple
narratives and follow a social realism style video.
- A convention that we challenged and didn't use was sound distortion in
videos which is often seen in new music videos. I wanted to challenge
the need for videos to use these unrealistic sounds as some real texts
we looked at had also challenged this convention and left the song very
natural and from the heart, something we wanted to present of the band.
- Another convention that we decided to challenge was the use of low budget and
minimalistic sets, which is seen in many existing music videos. We decided to
challenge this because of the nature of our narrative, with us feeling that a dark
and low budget workplace would look unprofessional rather than it was following a
convention. We also felt like the business setting portrayed our message better
without the need for speaking.