Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion, War and Peace
- War
- Types of war
- Between nations
- Civil wars
- War against terrorism
- Causes of war
- To end injustice
- To remove an unjust leader
- Gain land or resources
- Pre-emptive strike to prevent expected attack
- Defence of a weaker nation
- Defence of religon, freedoms, way of life
- Effects of war
- Victims of war
- Killed
- Wounded
- Refugees
- Orphaned
- Soldiers
- Killed
- Traumatised
- Desensetised
- Environment
- Destruction of landscape
- Hazardous areas eg. Land mines
- Economy
- Cost of rebuild
- Loss of farming and industry
- Fought
- WMD's
- For Proliferation
- Discourge attack and maintain peace
- Likelihood of being used less because damage is more
- Disarmament agreements are easier to get because countries are equal in WMD's
- For Disarmament
- Proliferation makes use more likely
- No moral justification for use
- Waste of valuable resources to produce them which could be used more effectively
- Cost money which could be used for peaceful aims
- Encourages other countries to develop them
- Conventional
- Just War Theory
- Ends when aim is met
- Have a good outcome
- Reasonable force used
- Be winnable
- Be a last resort
- Have a clear aim to promote good over evil
- Have a just cause
- Be controlled by a just authority
- Key words
- Just war
- Rules of war whch permit a religious person to fight
- Holy war
- Fighting for a religious cause
- Pacifism
- The belief that all violence is wrong
- Conscientious objectors
- Peace can be achieved using non violent methods
- WMD's
- Kill large numbers of people and destroy vast areas of land
- War
- Two or more sides or nations involved in armed conflict
- Peace
- The abscense of war or conflict between groups or nations
- Victims of war
- Civillians who are affected by war
- Red Cross
- Refugees
- People who are forced to leave their homes and countries to find safety elsewhere
- Nuclear proliferation
- The increase in countries with nuclear weapons
- Religion
- Christianity
- Love your neighbor
- Those who live by the sword, die by the sword (Jesus)
- Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth (Jesus)
- Treat others as you would like them to treat you
- If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other
- Islam
- Hate your enemy mildly, for he may become your friend one day
- Fight them until there is no more oppresion and there justice prevails