Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Social science
- Man:
Intelligence and
articulate speech
- Emic: Local perception.
- Etic: Outsider perception.
- Family: Basic unit of human societies.
- Monagamy: Exclusive couple.
- Polygamy: Variable
number of spouses or
- Polygyny: 1 man,
shared by
several wifes.
- Polyandry: 1 woman,
several husbands.
- Exogamous marriage:
Marriage outside the
individual with which one is
directly related.
- Affinity: Set of relationships
that link two groups through
- Society: Gathering of people related
by common laws.
- Social group
- Cultural ecology: Set of principles,
methodologies and concepts
applied to the study of human
being, its society and culture.
- State: Political unit with an
independent government.
- Regions of Mexico
- Northwestern region: Baja California, Baja
California Sur, Chihuahua, Sonora and Sinaloa.
- Central and Western Region
- Southeastern Region: Campeche, Chiapas,
Guerrero, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco,
Veracruz and Yucatan.
- Identity
- Mexican
- Regionalism:
Figure of speech in
different places
- Northeastern region: Coahuila,
Durango, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi
and Tamaulipas
- Population growth
- Magic: Hidden powers in
- Myth: Stories that
rebuild places and
- Religion
- Sacred: Beliefs and
- Cults
- Individualist
- Shamanist
- Community
- Ecclesiastical
- Profane: Ordinary
events of everyday life.
- Theories
- Functionalism and structural functionalism:
Role of traditions and institutions. Structural,
add the place it occupies in the structure of
- Diffusionism: The classic ancient
cultures are the center of origin from
where its knowledge spread the
- Culture: Learned set of traditions and lifestyles.
- Enculturation:
processof the
- Acculturation: Exchange of cultural
- Otherness: Identity is discovered by observing
the diversity of others.
- Ethnocentrism: Judging other cultures using own cultural standards.
- Historical particularism: Race, language
and culture are elements independent
from the human conditions.
- Evolutionism: Developed of human
societies progressively and
- French structuralism: There is a
universal structure for all cultures.
- Culture and personality: Relates cultural
practices and beliefs of the individual with his
personality and vice versa.
- Neo-evolutionism: Amount
of energy that could be
captured and put into
execution by person.
- Sub-disciplines
- Cultural
Analysis and
description of
- Physical anthropology: Physical
characteristics of humans through the
- Archaeology: Material
remains of past cultures.
- Anthropogical linguistics: Languages
spoken by the existing human groups.
- Stages
- Description: Stories and accounts of
representatives of religious orders that
came along with the conquerors
- Laws of the functioning:
Professionalization of
- Laws of evolution: Emergence of
anthropology as a formal science
- Qualitative method: Present
elements that drive us to give
answers and explanations.
- Ethnography: Extensieve
description of all those aspects of
everyday life of a particular culture.
- Field work
- Techniques
- Life story
- Testimony
- Semi-structured interview
- Focus group
- Participant observation
- Field diary
- Documents
- Direct observation
- Conversation
- Key informants
- Geneological method
- Investigation oriented to problems
- Longitudinal investigation
- Team investigation
- Areas and applications
- Urban: Study of
human behavior in
large cities
- Medical: Study of social
perceptions of disease.
- Cultural marketing: Techniques and
procedures for anthropological research.