Zusammenfassung der Ressource
5.8 Fishing
- Fish farming
- Growing fish in enclosures
- Estuaries
- Lakes
- Ponds
- Reduces predation
- Add fertilisers to encourage growth of plankton for food
- Can lead to eutrophication
- Diseases can spread easily
- Huge amount of antibiotics used
- Farmed fish may escape, breed with wild fish and weaken them
- Fish contain high amounts of dioxins and PCBs
- Commercial Fishing
- Overfishing
- Reduced fish stocks
- Damages livelihoods of fishermen
- Knock on effects to food chains
- Fish quotas
- Restrict mesh size in nets
- International agreements
- Closed seasons
- Exclusion zones
- Drift nets
- Suspending a net between two boats so fish swim into it.
- Trawling
- Dragging a large net behind a boat, catching whatever is in the way.