Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The study of human
- Physical anthropology
- Characteristical objects of cultures among time
- Antropological linguistics
- Using antique on¿bjects
and basic knowledge,
societies from the past can
be constructed
- Cultural anthropology
- Analisys and description of cultures
- Cultures have common factors and structures
- Infrastructure
- The family
- Genealogy
- Monigamy
- A couple, just one affinity
- Monigamy
- Polygymy
- Ego
- Structure
- organizations that dstribute goods and labour
- Superstructure
- Religions and artistic groups
- Myths
- Legends of antique observation
- Magic
- Supernatural
- Religion
- A practice that stablished rules and a god to dogma in
- To observe
- Profane
- Sacred
- Cults
- Community
- Individualist
- Ecclesiastical
- Shamanist
- Studies of culture
- Things to follow
- Selection and delimitation of the topic
- The structure to create
- Recolection of information
- The tentative structure to work on
- Reorganize the information
- A draft
- Make the draft better
- Qualitative research
- Making analysis of social
groups on a very specific
- Methods implied
- Direct observation
- Participant observation
- Conversation
- Genealogical method
- Life stories
- Key informants
- Team investigation
- Quantitative
- In antrophology is a tool to measure social structures
- Anthropological linguistics
- studies the diversity of languages
- Etnography
- The daily aspects of a culture and society, the analysis of it
- Emic
- Etic
- Concepts and theories
- Schools
- Diffusionism
- There was a culture
that influenced each
other to advance
- Evolutionist school
- Just like age of empires
- Historical Particularism
- Every culture has
its own prospect of
evolution, before
their crash
- Functionalism
- Undestanding the
cultures will give
space to find their
- Culture and personality
- Sigmund Freud
- Eduaction of
societies is
influenced by
and vice versa
- Neoevolutionism
- The more energy,
greater the evolution
- French structuralism
- A common factor
between societies that
just depends on the
interpretation of what is
- Concepts
- Man
- The individual homo-sapiens sapiens
- Otherness
- The other people that surrounds a society or an individual
- Society
- Group of people that live on a certain gay
- State
- The political organization that stablishes the groups that are specialized on the people from the region
- Acculturation
- Exhange of cultural
- Enculturation
- The process of constant learning and evolution
- Afinity
- Unity through marriage
- Polygyny
- One individual with multiple affinities
- Ego
- Individual who is centered to analyse the familiar genealogy
- Ethnocentrism
- Judging other cultures from one specific, changing perspectives