Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Seen Question
- Given studies
- P. Howlin 1998
- Chin & Bernard-Opitz
- R. Jordan 2005
- Lit Search
- Kasiri & Smith 2013
- McGovern & Sigman
- Harjusola Webb & Huss Robbins
- Intro
- use question
- diagnostic criteria
- research to understand
- research for education
- History
- Kanner 1943
- PDD, lifespan,
- verbal & non verbal communication
- social interaction
- poor eye contact
- repetitive activities & stereotypical movement
- resistance to change
- unusual responses to sensory experiences
- spectrum disorder
- multiple types
- from mild cognitive, social, behavioural probs
- to severe symptoms
- AS
- high functioning cognitive abilities, no speech delay
- significant social skills deficits
- 1 characteristic but not all diagnostic criteria
- causes unknown
- Kanner - refrigerator
- Frith MZ twins, genetic
- Brain imaging
- Diagnosis
- impaired social interaction
- impaired communication
- restrictive repetitive & stereotypical behaviours
- Baron-Cohen screening 18 mth