Why did the Labour Party win the 1945 election?


History (British History) Mindmap am Why did the Labour Party win the 1945 election?, erstellt von keistajupiter am 08/10/2013.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Why did the Labour Party win the 1945 election?
  1. Labour Advantages
    1. More suited for post-war reconstruction.
      1. Stronger campaign: clear opinions.
        1. Allies in the media.
          1. Played on topics of "poverty" and "mass unemployment."
            1. Laski said they couldn't be blamed for "Potsdam."
            2. Conservative Disadvantages
              1. Did not deliver promised 'land fit for heroes.'
                1. No "clear sense of purpose."
                  1. Churchill not "commited to a party." Traditional Conservatives didn't vote for him.
                    1. Accused of obstructing NHS - against Zeitgeist.
                    2. Churchill's Personality
                      1. Public liked Churchill, not Conservatives - not enough to win NEW votes. .
                        1. Churchills 'radical days were over.'
                          1. Seen as warlord not peacetime PM.
                          2. Campaign Tactics
                            1. Negative tactics - exploiting Laski, meant too much time spent countering Labour.
                              1. Adversary politics.
                                1. Scare tactics e.g. Gestapo was too pessimistic.
                                  1. Speeches only impressed obvious Conservative supporters.
                                  2. War Context
                                    1. General election 2 weeks after war - wanted change.
                                      1. Rumoured Churchill wanted "war against Russia."
                                        1. "War weariness" amongst civilians, and votes lost from army.
                                        2. Voting System
                                          1. "First Past The Post"
                                            1. 50%+ voted against Labour, but they won.
                                              1. Conservatives only 2% short of 1/2 the vote.
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