Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion, Peace and Justice
- Violence and Pacifism
- Violence is a destructive force used to achieve goals
- Christian Attitudes
- Force is different from violence and can sometimes be justified, for
example when police might use force to prevent other people causing
- George Bush allowed the torture of terrorist suspects after 9/11
as punishment and part of an investigation
- some think violence can be used as a
consequence of bad behaviour
- Some think using violence goes against the idea that God made us all
in His image and that we should only be punished by Him
- "Surely you know that you are God's temple...!"
- Pacifism = non violence... the belief peace should be the central value
- Nuclear Pacifism in the belief that the use of an atomic weapon can never be
justified as the consequences of using it could never equal the evil that needed
to be defeated
- Treatment of Criminals
- justice = fair behaviour or
- everyone should be treated with
dignity and respect... all should be cared for and protected
- when someone breaks the law, it is the responsibility of the
government to ensure justice is served and the 'criminal' is still
treated fairly
- The Aims of Punishment
- Deterrence
- to deter the person/people from
doing the same thing again
- Protection
- to protect society and innocent people from harm from others
- Retribution
- to provide the victims of crime with evidence that the criminal has been punished
- Reformation
- to give the criminal the chance to reform and live a better life
- Christian Beliefs
- justice should be done but the criminal should
be treated appropriately and fairly
- Elizabeth Fry
- 18th Cent' Quaker
- helped ensure prisoners received good treatment
- War can be right
- Just War
- this is when a war is fought
only for the purpose of
defending a country or
group of people or to stop a tyranny
- "A war that is better
fought than not"
- The war must follow a 'criteria'
- must be proportional - any
excessive use is immoral
- a greater evil would exist if the war was
not fought
- only the military services should be involved
- damage to
property, livestock
and places of
worship should be
- Holy War
- Social Injustice
- the belief that some individuals or groups in society are denied the rights and
benefits of the majority of others in the society because of poverty or
- race, sex, religion, sexuality, wealth or class
- Christian Responses
- Many set up or join organisations like
Amnesty International to work towards
social justice
- everyone is equal and should be treated in the
same way
- "So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him, male and female
he created them"
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Mother Theresa
- Martin Luther King
- War is wrong
- Who would
say this?
- Pacifists such as Quakers
- although they help in emergency situations,
under no circumstances do they participate in
the fighting
- they say war can never be justified
- Why?
- "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called children of God"
- "Put your sword away, for he who
lives by the sword shall die by the