Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Prejudice and discrimination
- Defintions
- Prejudice: A rigid set of attitudes or beliefed
towards particular groups of people. These
attitudes are usually negative but not always.
- Discrimination: Treating someone favourably or
unfavourable beacuse they belong to a particular
group. This is due to peoples' prejudice views.
- Adorno
- Adorno's explanation
- Authoritarian personality types are prone to being prejudice.
Adorno stated that people with an authoritarian personality
are more likely to be prejudice towards others.
- Characteristics include:
- Disliking Jews
-Traditional values
-Respecting higher
status and looking down on
lower status -Strict
parents -Stick rigidly to
their beliefs
- Evaluation
- Conducted in America ⇨ cannot
be applied cross-culturally
- Does not explain why people that grow up with strict parents are
not prejudice or why people without strict parents are prejudice
- Doesn't explain why some people are prejudice
towards some groups and not others, but does show
a relationship between prejudice and authoritarian
however does not determine cause and effect
- Adorno's study
- Aim
- To find out if there is a relationship between a
person's personality type and prejudiced beliefs.
- Method
- Hundreds of people were interviewed
and tested using the F-scale.
- Results
- They found a relationship between
personality traits and prejudiced views.
- Conclusion
- There is an authoritarian personality and
people with these characteristics are highly
likely to be prejudiced towards others
- Evaluation
- Study conducted in America ⇨ results
cannot be applied cross-culturally
- Correlational research ⇨ showed a relationship
between authoritarianism and prejudiced views,
however study does not determine cause and effect
- Statements on the F-scale are easier to agree
with than disagree with ⇨ unreliable measure
- Tajfel
- Tajfel's explanation
- In-groups are people that you have something in common with.
- Out-groups are people that you have nothing in common with
- Within the in-group you form a social identity and
feel a sense of belonging. The group can help you
build your self-esteem. You tend to view your
in-group positively, whereas we do not favour (and
feel negatively about) the out-group.
- Evaluation
- Lot of empirical evidence to support explanation ⇨ valid
- Study that theory was tested by used 14-15 year old boys in
one country ⇨ results difficult to generalise ⇨ validity of
theory can be questioned ⇨ cannot be applied cross-culturally
- Tajfel's study
- Aim
- To show how easily people
discriminate against their out-groups
- Method
- 14-15 year old boys were randomly put in to two groups. They had
to play a game where they awared pairs of points to their group and
the other. They were told they could be swapped for prizes at the end
- Results
- The boys awarded points by choosing the pairings
that made the biggest difference between groups,
not the pairings that gave the most points.
- Conclusion
- People will discriminate against others just
because they are members of an out-group.
- Evaluation
- Artificial task of getting boys to compete in points game
⇨ not representitive of real life ⇨ lacks ecological validity
- 14-15 year old boys used ⇨ results not generalisable
to females/ages ⇨ sample not representitive
- Points game is very simple ⇨ pariticipants may figure out aim ⇨ display demand characteristics
- Sherif
- Sherif's explanation
- According to Sherif, prejudice and discrimination is a result of
competition caused by scarce resources. He said inter-group conflict
can occur, which is when people in the same group experience
conflict, because they want the same thing. He suggests competition
increases unity within groups and conflict with other groups.
- Evaluation
- Another researcher replicated the method with the difference being the
sample was Scouts, and they knew each other before study began. Found
no hostility or prejudice found by Sherif ⇨ questions validity of theory
- Shows relationship between competition and prejudice ⇨
cause and effect cannot be determined, prejudice may occur
before competition⇨ competition could just be a trigger
- Sherif's study
- Aim
- To find out if prejudice
develops when groups
are in competition for
scarce resources
- Method
- American summer camp was organised for 22 boys, randomly
split into two teams, who were kept away from each other,
unaware that the other team existed. They formed a group
identity and then the camp staff introduced a series of
competitions with the prize for the winning team of a silver cup.
- Results
- The teams began unpleasant name-calling
and tired to attack each other very quickly.
- Conclusion
- Competition is a cause of prejudice
- Evaluation
- American boys used ⇨
results not generalisable
to girls/cultures
- Field experiment in a summer camp, a real place ⇨ likely that
boys showed natural behaviour ⇨ increasing ecological validity
- Name-calling and fights ⇨ boys experienced
distress ⇨ psychological harm ⇨ unethical study