Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Larry
- lonely at end of novel because of physical injuries
- constand need for attention could suggest lonely
- Larry is surrounded by crowds
- sperated from past
- "the air of
mystery that
him added to
his glamour"
- wont talk about past
- Francis
- lonely form start of novel
- separated from
other men in army
because he went to
war to die
- won't reveal himself
- predends to
be someone
else, because
he doesn't like
who he is
- separates himself from past
- doesn't
want to be
- still think of
Nicole though
- shuts everyone off
- no-one to
look up to
apart from
- dad dead
- uncle Louis but he "seldom spoke"
- Nicole
- self imposed
- convent school
- runs waay after attack
- hides away from past
- shuts herself off
- "the visit to
Nicoles house on
sixth street
brought back only
loneliness and
- star in wreck centre
- changed after attack
- lack of communication with feelings
- can't face fears or past
- Arthur
- drunk in alley
- no-one wants to talk about war
- no support
- changed by brutal war