Zusammenfassung der Ressource
GS: The European Union
- There are 28 countries in the EU
- The EU is based on the rule of law, each member
country must approve a treaty before it is passed
- A treaty is a binding
agreement between EU
member countries
- The EU was created after the second world war.
- Aims:
- Encourage economic cooperation and independance
- Abolition of border controls (successful)
- Promote human rights and equality
- The Treaty of Lisbon, 2009, brings
human rights, democracy, freedom,
equality and the rule of law into a
single document
- Make all government
institutions transparent and
- National parliaments
work alongside the
European institutions
- Benefits of being part of the EU
- Freedom to travel, study, retire and work
anywhere in the EU
- Single market has allowed
airline travel to become cheaper
and more competitve
- The EU Health Insurance Card enables EU
citizens to receive free emergency healthcare
on the same terms as the local EU citizens
- The EU provides social protection for workers in:
- Working time
- Temporary work
- Parental leave
- Crime and Justice
- The European Arrest
Warrant (EAW) has been
vital to bringing criminals
around the world to
- the UK successfully executed 80
EAWs out of the 220, issued in
- Crime has increased
due to globalisation,
ease of travel and the