How are words remembered?


Mind map sobre cómo las palabras son recordadas.
Mindmap von pau.carol92, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von pau.carol92 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How are words remembered?
  1. Short term store (STS)
    1. it's the brain's capacity to hold a limited number of information for periods of time up to a few seconds
    2. Working memory
      1. it's to focus on words for long enough to perform operations on them, that information can come from the exterior or the interior (long-term memory)
        1. Cognitive tasks
          1. reasoning
            1. learning
              1. understanding
              2. articulatory loop
                1. it's the process of subvocal repetition
                  1. it enables the STS to be kept refreshed
                    1. its holding capacity seems to be a determining factor in the ability to language learning
                      1. "the longer the loop, the better the learner"
                  2. Recycling
                    1. It's the spaced review of the learned material can dramatically reduce the rate of forgetting. But the words needs to be used in different ways aparte from the way in which was learned, not just repeating it over and over.
                    2. Long-term memory
                      1. Some principles must be observed in order to make the material or information move to the permanent LTM
                        1. Affective depth
                          1. Affective and cognitive data are stored together & play an equally important role on how words are stored and recalled
                          2. Attention / Arousal
                            1. It seems that there's a correlation between attention and recall because with a high degree of attention, the "remember" part is improved
                            2. Motivation
                              1. if the learner has a stron motivation, it's more likely to spend more time on rehearsal & practice, which in the end will pay off in terms of memory
                              2. Mnemonics
                                1. "tricks" used to help retrieve items that are stored, but not yet automatically retrievable to use
                                2. Imaging
                                  1. To visualize a mental picture to go with the new word learned
                                  2. Personal organizing
                                    1. The judgements that learners make about word are most effective when personalised
                                    2. Cognitive depth
                                      1. it's important that many decissions are made by the learner about that word. And, the more cognitively demanding these decissions are, the better the word is remembered,
                                      2. Use
                                        1. To use the words learned in n interesting and appealing way
                                        2. Pacing
                                          1. to process the data at the learners' pace, not too fast, not too slow
                                          2. Spacing
                                            1. It works on the STS or the LTM equally and it's about the distribution of memory work across a period of time
                                            2. Retrieval
                                              1. to retrieve a word from memory makes it more likely to recall it later
                                              2. Repetition
                                                1. repeated rehearsal of the data while it's still on the WM
                                              3. It's sort of a filing system that has an unlimited capacity to store information and that can be made permanent over time
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